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Sunday 15 January 2012

Quick Video of the 8x8x8 Spectrum Analyzer Animation


  1. Does that mean it uses multi-coloured LED's? I had understood that you felt there was a problem with those.

  2. Sorry I didn't mean to mislead anyone. The Cube's will come with single colour LED's of the customers choice. The video is just showing the different colour's available.

  3. wont there be a multicolour version?

  4. Looks truely great!!
    I feel like a spoild child....
    ..Mommy i want one,
    i want one now!!

    Is there a change we can download the 8x8x8 software soon?
    So we can already start creating our animations

    Will there be a possibity to exchange animantions, the program code, Would be neat to cut/past animations in to a big code

  5. Hah awesome, I can't wait to get 'em out to see what kind of cool animations you guys come up with. One of the features of the 8x8x8 will include multiple patterns on the SD card, select-able using the toggle switch or put into random mode so the cube will cycle patterns that are on the card. It will be easy to share patterns as they are saved as ".cube" files. So you can add to the SD card as you create patterns.

  6. I'll release a software revision for you guys to start making patterns once the save protocol for the 8x8x8 is locked down. Should be soon.

  7. Hey. What color do you think is the most striking? I know it is opinion, but in yours?

  8. BLUE is probably the most striking, looks the most modern to me. A close second would be the WHITE. The Fuchsia is the most unique as I haven't seen many LED's in that colour. They all do look pretty impressive no matter which colour you get, it really comes down to the theme of the area you are putting it in.

  9. Thanks for the reply on the color. I am really looking forward to these. I have it narrowed down to Fuchsia or blue. Fuchsia because I have only seen one other on youtube with that color and blue because it does look good, as you said. Keep us updated on the 8x8x8. Thanks man.

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    sorry but I am using a translator.
