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Sunday 6 November 2011

8x8x8 Update

PCB's came in this weekend and got one populated. Writing the embedded software now as well as building up the first proto unit.


  1. I've seen multi colour cubes any chance your 8x8x8 will be RGB? and Question about your cubes how many patterns are stored on board the pcb or do they always need to be connected to a PC?

    Also have you settled on a price for the 8x8x8 full assembled in the perspex?


  2. Hi no this version will not be RGB, the only reason being is that the LED's cost too much, If we were to design and build an RGB version I would have to have pre-orders, so people don't change their mind. RGB versions would range around $1000, the single colour 8x8x8 cube we are working on will be around $300 fully assembled with case. Any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.
