Available on eBay! Search for 3D LED Matrix and look for seller LedsAreCool!

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Sunday 30 October 2011


I'm proud to say all our 3D LED Matrices and KIT's come with a bootloader! So when new features come out we can deploy the firmware updates without the need of a in-circuit programmer. This is also useful to the customer who wants to write his/her own firmware to learn some C-programming. Now your "home-brew" firmware can be uploaded without an issue.


  1. Hi!
    I bought an 5x5x5 3d led cube from ebay sold by you. Unfortunately the atmega8a chip was blown due an erroneous supply of unregulated over-voltage. Anyway, at last I was able to solder a new chip, but it won't connect to PC due to unavailability of a suitable bootloader. Can you pls give me a link to the correct 5x5x5 bootloader so i can flash it and, will be able to use the cube hardware again. My ebay user name is Janaka19982121.

  2. Hi that is unfortunate. I can email you the bootloader and software. Please send a request to this address...



    1. Thanks Matt.
      I sent you a request directly to your email.
      Thanks again.
