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Wednesday 7 December 2011

More Spectrum Analyser patterns.

We updated the 5x5x5 Software to include some new Spectrum Analyser patterns. You can select them from the audio menu. Select the pattern first than click the audio button. We will make it so you can change it on the fly in the next build.

We also added white to the colour selection.

Download link...http://mediafire.com/file/s1l6evppj7w6fjc/Cube_Software_1_0_7.zip


  1. Does one of the patterns in the menu correspond to that which was used previously (software 1.0.6)? None of the seem to to me.

    The new patterns are interesting but I wouldn't want to lose the original.

  2. The old one is still there, it is called "5 Band Trail", only difference is the default trail timing delay is set to 120 in (1.0.7) compared to 80 in (1.0.6).

  3. OK, thanks .... I'll play with it.

    Are the various terms (timing, amp sensitivity, frame, delay end etc) defined/explained anywhere? I mean, I know what the words themselves mean but what do they control in the context of the cube?

    And what does "real time" do? All it does for me is turn off the display.

  4. Under Audio:
    Timing: Changes the delay time of the shift on the 5 Band trail. The higher the number the longer it waits to shift the audio band down the cube. The lower the faster.

    Amp Sensitivity: Changes the reaction level of the spectrum display. The higher the number the more the cube amplifies the sound level creating higher bars. The lower, the less it amplifies. You notice if you change the volume in windows, the cube pattern goes up and down.

    Editing Inputs:
    Refresh: Changes the refresh rate of the cube. higher the number the slower the cube refreshes through the layers.

    Delay: Changes the time between frames, the higher the number the longer it takes to switch frames. Each frame can have a different delay time.

    Real-Time mode: In this mode when you click the 2D LED grid on the left side while creating your pattern it will instantly display on the cube sitting on your desk. It makes it easier to design patterns as you can see exactly what you are doing in the software in real life.

    Any other questions feel free to post.

  5. OK, thanks for the fast response LAC. That'll keep me going for a bit. I'm going away to play now ....
